Training Content for Offer:

Insights on international assignee or global talent happiness - and what it means for tailoring respective HR support

Note: This training content serves as a suggestion. It may be tailored to your needs. I’m also open to other topics that you would want to get covered.

On the topic:

In this training we’ll thematize some insights around the mentioned topic and draw conclusions for tailored HR support. 

We will look at how supporting international talent looks different from mere “local” talent and what it means for what you provide in terms of training or procedures. We will address as to what regard your hands are bound in trying to elicit the problem and offer help. We will learn more about what can cause e.g. an assignee to “lose their footing” which in turn will affect their professional performance and the safety net you as HR can provide. We will take a closer look at what character traits and soft skills are suitable for international talent as well as how you can encourage them.

Depending on the time available, the content can be adjusted, portions cut or a certain focus set. The content can be presented in webinar style as well as in a group setting with Q&A and interactive options.

Objectives & outcomes:

  • acquire some general knowledge and practical tips of how to be approachable to international employees as HR

  • gain increased insight into the lives of assignees/ global talent - the impact of transitions and relocations on their personal lives, relationships, dependents, their challenges and what this could mean for their professional performance

  • learn about the identity of assignees/ global talent including it being challenged, shifted and/or redefined and possible consequences for the work place

  • gain knowledge regarding their values, beliefs, goals and dreams in these international change settings 

  • review major personality models and learn about the interaction between personality type dimensions/ character traits and successful international transitions or encountering roadblocks

  • fine-tune knowledge regarding soft skills that are suitable for international work

  • become aware of the different perception regarding race, gender, religion in an expat location and how to prepare and support 

  • take an informal self-assessment of their HR procedures and support system in place regarding their international talent

  • gather ideas for designing a safety net for respective talent tailored to their company