
Upcoming Events


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Join us for an informal online meetup for international talents in the Freiburg, Germany area (and beyond)!

When: Stay tuned, check back here for upcoming dates.

The purpose is to bring together internationals working in the Freiburg area and create a platform for inspiration and exchange. 

Everyone’s experience at their workplace here in Germany is different, and yet similar in so many ways. Often you are left with questions that remain unanswered, or experiences that could be of value to someone else!

Azurate Language learning LL | Coming soon - In Arbeit



After a welcome, I will share something for about 15-20 minutes on a topic of interest for international talents, then there is room for discussion, exchange, questions, and burning topics. This will be our first meeting, with hopefully many others to follow!

Time frame: 60-90min. The meeting will be in English, and we can use German, where needed. The meeting is for free, but I ask you to sign up for it to get the link, please.

Any questions? Feel free to reach out:

Why am I offering this? 

There are programs supporting international talents, and thanks to changes like the new Fachkräfte Einwanderungsgesetz or the opening of additional Welcome Centers, there is growing logistical support for people moving to Germany for work (or other reasons).

There is little structured support, though, when it comes to navigating your everyday work life or psychological, emotional aspects. This is not ill-will, it’s just usually the last thing on the list.

Who is this for? 

This club is meant for anyone who has come from another country and is now working in Germany. You may be working at a traditional midsize company as a skilled worker, as a nurse at a hospital, as a software developer at a globally minded enterprise. You may be here in Germany for 1 month, 1 year or 10 years already, you are equally welcome.


Rewatch past events

Finding your footing during international transitions - Part 1 + 2

Part 1: I was speaking at an online event, hosted by the German-American Business Community (GABC) on Dec. 15th, 2021, on the topic of “Finding your footing during international transitions.”

More on the topic: We discussed the importance of "anchors" and how to focus on overall goals in life as a stability factor during times when our "outer identity" shifts.

Next to practical tips we dug a bit deeper and touched on the topics of “needs” and “values.” Good stuff!

Link to (re)watch: Finding your Footing by Azurate

In part 2 we were talking about what role your personality styles, character traits and social skills play in your expat life - or in the lives of your assignees.

Just like in part 1, we brought in examples and a chance to apply it to your personal situation, as well as made time for Q&A.

Link to rewatch for this online event that took place on Jan. 12th, 2022: “Footing, Part 2” with AZURATE


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